Happy Holidays! The ACV Offices will be from December 23 through January 3, 2025. We wish you a peaceful New Year.

How can Alzheimers Coachella Valley help you?
Take a tour of the new ACV Screening Center!
Listen to interview with our own Pat Kaplan on "Jeremy's Junk & Jewels"!

Join us from the comfort of your home!

Some of our support and social groups are available online via Zoom. Please fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page to find out how you can be a part of our programs even if you can't come in to the office.

Welcome to

Alzheimers Coachella Valley

Alzheimers Coachella Valley, a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit, was formed to meet the needs of our families and focus on HOPE. All of ACV’s programs emphasize where the family is and work with what is still possible. Our families openly tell us what they need; we listen and then create innovative, relevant programs and services.

Get Help Now

Alzheimer’s affects more than just the individual; it affects the entire family. Most often it is family members – spouses, adult children and extended family – who provide hands-on care for the loved one with dementia, especially early on in the disease.

Alzheimers Coachella Valley (ACV) responds to the needs of FAMILIES living with Alzheimer’s and other related disorders. Our emphasis is on the caregiver and person with diagnosis. Our programs focus on recognizing what is still available and the “spectrum of hope.”

If you or a family member are facing Alzheimer’s/Dementia, ACV can help now by providing support, education, socially interactive programs, and referrals to qualified local professionals.

Call today to make an appointment with one of our Care Advisors. (760) 776-3100.

Programs and Services

At Alzheimers Coachella Valley, we focus on the PERSON with cognitive impairment and what is STILL POSSIBLE.

Our philosophy is to assist the individual and family whether it is providing resources, up-to-date information, and very importantly, socialization. We believe that “life goes on,” and encourage both caregiver and loved one to tap into that and continue to live!

Support Groups
On Site Programs

We provide ongoing programs and services that support all those affected, helping to build needed skills, learn to manage behaviors, and prepare for the future. Most programs involve both the caregiver and loved one.

Browse the Programs

Become a Donor

Support Alzheimers Coachella Valley’s innovative programs.

All funds raised here remain local to fill the need for professional and peer-led programs.

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